Monday, 28 May 2012

Eliminate Acne Scars with Easy and Healthy

Many ways used by women to remove acne scars, and even to eliminate the former is currently the fastest is to use laser technology in medicine methods. Certainly it costs quite expensive.

Addition to using laser technology and cosmetics that are quite expensive, there are some ways easier and healthier to remove acne scars. The fruit could be used as a mask like tomatoes, that is by cutting the tomatoes and put it on acne scars. The content contained in tomatoes may reduce acne scars. Aloe vera is also beneficial anti-inflammatory content contained in the aloe vera, in addition to hair health can also reduce the redness due to acne spots.

Prevention of acne can be easier to do with knowing the skin type. Skin types can be divided into three groups include oily skin, dry skin and normal skin. Provision of treatment to the face should be tailored to the types of skin so as not to worsen the condition of the face.

Better to prevent than cure.
I hope above article can be useful, share it is beautifully.