Alternatives and how to remove blackheads are sought in order to maintain the health and beauty of the face. Blackheads appear when there is blockage of the pores due to excess oil resulting in clogged oil. Many blackheads occur in areas of the face T is the forehead, nose, and chin, sometimes also occurred under the eyes and cheeks.
Here are two methods in removing blackheads:
Modern Methods
This modern methods generally use a tool or cosmetic ingredients. One way to remove blackheads with this method by using a vacuum blackhead. The first thing to do is wash your face with warm water evenly, clean up the corners of the curve of the face but avoid rubbing the face is too harsh as this may damage the face. The next phase of the face dried with a clean towel and dry, avoid scrubbing the face too roughly with a towel. The most important phase of is when the vacuum suctioning the blackhead (extractor). Note the tip of the extractor, make sure that the tip is already clean. Then press gently lift up blackhead. Things to avoid in doing this method is to avoid too strong an emphasis extractor as it can cause scarr on the skin that will worsen the condition of the face.
Traditional Methods
The method makes use of natural materials all around us without the use of technology or the extractor tool. Eliminating blackheads can use egg white separated from the egg yolks. Prepare egg whites slightly, then beat until the foam and then smeared on the face of blackheads there. Surface is smeared face covered with a clean, dry tissue. Wait a few moments until the egg whites dry, then pull gently until the tissue appears black pimple blackheads on paper towels. Other methods can also use orange peel. Choose a clean orange peel to put into water to form a thick paste. After that apply a thick paste to the surface of the face which there are blackheads. The next day rinse your face thoroughly.
The following matters should also be considered when removing blackheads, among others, make sure the hands, tools, and materials used are clean. Treat your skin gently so as not to damage the face. Similarly, methods that can be referenced as a way of removing blackheads with easy, inexpensive, and safe.
Methods for removing blackheads should be done after knowing the kind of face-owned.