Monday, 28 May 2012

Foods that Contain Vitamin E Refresh the Skin From Inside

Foods that contain lots of Vitamin E found in both of the vegetable and animal. There are so many benefits that we get when eating foods that contain vitami E, one of which is to beautify the skin. Vitamin E is a key element in the solution and body treatments. 
Especially in this era, had a lot of pollution everywhere from car exhaust and cigarette smoke which is usually the findings of our daily lives.

Vitamin E is very useful to increase endurance, reduce stress, increase fertility, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. In addition to the skin, vitamin E plays an important role to tighten, nourish, anti-aging, moisturizing, protecting the skin of the radiation and accelerate wound healing. Plus, the vitamin is also useful in protecting red blood cells of the damage and as an antioxidant to prevent free radicals.

Sources of vitamin E can be found both in fruits, vegetables, and animal products. Here are some foods that contain lots of vitamin E such as spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, soy, eggs, and dark or bitter chocolate. Actually a lot of foods that contain vitamin E which can be consumed regularly, especially green vegetables and fruits.