Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Foods that Contain Calcium Make Strong Bones.

Foods that contain calcium is important for strengthening bones and teeth. Calcium has an important to keep our bodies healthy to remain upright for strong bones. In daily activities, we certainly did a lot of heavy activities especially when exercising.
In addition to strengthening bones, so we avoid the disease osteoporosis, calcium can also help you lose excess weight as long as the proportion of appropriate and not excessive. Did you know that calcium is a mineral that exists in most of our bodies? Many foods that contain calcium that is required between women and men can differ. And usually also influenced by age, because the older the age of a person so the more calcium needed. For example the children about the daily need of 800 - 1200 mg of calcium for their bodies, while adults need at least 1200 mg per day. Calcium is needed by people in certain circumstances, especially for children in its infancy, pregnant and lactating mothers. Foods that contain calcium always been needed throughout the human life.
Basically calcium is contained in all kinds of food. Only the portion of its content varies from one food to another. Ten high-calcium-containing foods is yogurt, cheese or a variety of foods that contain cheese, milk and any of its products, sardines, cereal, juice jaruk, soybeans, and any of its products, and breads that contain whole grains.