Thursday, 31 May 2012

Keep the Pregnancy with Proper Foods and Healthy

Tips to keep the pregnancy is most important is related to maternal food intake, food intake is very influential in the development of fetal health. At a certain period of time have started to develop senses and sensitive, the fetus will be able to taste food that maternal feeding. Control food and attention to good nutrition is strongly recommended at the beginning or end of pregnancy.

Lots of tips to keep the pregnancy on the recommended foods for pregnant women consumed. Of course, healthy foods like fruits and vegetables became the top of the food to be consumed. A variety of foods with high protein is also highly recommended. Fetal growth is dependent on the protein, so foods with a high protein intake could practically be important for fetal growth is maximal. Taking a supplement such as omega 3 is also highly recommended not only for growth and organ in the body, but also the maximum brain growth.

Be sure to avoid raw or undercooked foods. There are some foods that do not need to be cooked, but before taking it, make sure the food is free from any contamination. Mothers are also advised to avoid canned foods or any foods with additives. Additives such as preservatives will give a very bad effect on the fetus.

Note: The nutritional intake is very important for pregnant women